Excuse the messing plating, but doesn’t that lunch just cheer up the pile of paper and work no end?
It is one of my favourite office stand-bys: easy to assemble, tasty, can be purchased when you forget to bring something from home, and always brings murmurs of interest from colleagues.
I call it, somewhat pompously, my deconstructed guacamole open sandwich. I normally use rye bread that you get in a little resealable packet as it lasts well in my desk drawer, but toasted sourdough or another firm bread would work well – needs to have a bit of nutty savouryness, though, to go with the nutty creamy avocado.
It’s a very simple recipe – I just cut an avocado in half, scoop out the flesh and squash it onto the bread (normally one half onto each piece of bread) then scatter with halved baby tomatoes and chopped spring onions ( I use scissors as it’s easier in the office than using a butter knife to chop them…I also wash the spring onions using a water cooler and a bowl – happy times in our sinkless, windowless hole). Squeeze over lemon juice, add Tabasco and salt to taste, or chilli flakes if I have them, and we’re away: a little bit of sunshine to get me through the day.